Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Institute of Native Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation”
It is a leading expert organization at the federal level in the field of ethnocultural education.
The objectives of FIRYA’s activities are:
1) promoting the preservation of linguistic and ethnocultural diversity of the Russian Federation;
2) development of scientific, innovative activities in the sphere of teaching native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
3) methodological support for the education system of the Russian Federation in terms of the study and teaching of native languages.
The subject of FIRYA’s activities is:
1) conducting monitoring studies, experimental methodological developments, expert, analytical works and other activities on topical problems of teaching in native languages and studying native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, on theoretical issues of language policy of intercultural communication, aimed at preserving, supporting and developing ethno-linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation;
2) information-methodological and organizational support of socially significant events in the sphere of education, science and youth policy;
3) carrying out educational activities under additional professional programs.