12 October 2023

Registration for participation in the Kazan International Linguistic Summit “Modern Linguistics as a Key to Dialogue” (KILS-2023) is available

Dates of the event: November 30 – December 17, 2023.

The languages of the Summit are Russian, English, Tatar.

Registration deadline: until November 30, 2023.


Summit agenda includes several major events.


The International Scientific Conference “Modern Linguistics as a Key to Dialogue” – the main event of the Summit will take place on December 13-15,

The format of event is mixed: offline and online.

Registration periods – July 1 to November 30, 2023.


Main directions of the conference:

  1. Computer and corpus linguistics.
  2. Automation of linguistic analysis.
  3. Paleo-Russian studies and digital humanities.
  4. Cognitive linguistics.
  5. Clinical and neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics.
  6. Traditional linguistics and its digital transformation.
  7. Literature, art and language in a multicultural world.
  8. Russian language and methods of teaching.
  9. Tatar and other Turkic languages in a multicultural world.
  10. Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages.
  11. Linguistic diversity and multilingualism in education.

Participation in the conference is possible in two forms: offline (at Kazan Federal University), and also in online format.


The Linguistic and Methodological Festival “Language Trends and Methodological Innovations 2023” will be held on November 30 – December 2, for teachers of Russian, native and foreign languages with the participation of educational system leaders, leading methodological scientists, innovative teachers, various teachers’ associations and unions. The framework of the festival includes methodological workshops, seminars, master classes, a fair of methodological ideas, etc.

The format of event is offline.

The first day of the festival is organized jointly with the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, as well as the Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature of the Russian Federation. It is devoted to the consideration of methodological problems of studying Russian as a state language and as a native language: the use of digital educational technologies, preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, working with gifted children within the framework of the Olympiad movement, etc.

The second day of the festival is organized jointly with the National Association of English Language Teachers of Russia (NATE) and is devoted to the consideration of methodological problems in learning foreign languages, such as the use of digital educational content, smart technologies, SCRUM technology, chat bots, authentic video materials, gamification in foreign language lessons language, creating a methodological digital collection for a teacher, etc.

The third day of the festival is organized jointly with the Center for Native Languages and Cultures of the Peoples of the Russian Federation of the Russian Academy of Education and is devoted to the consideration of methodological problems in studying the native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, such as planning a modern lesson in the native language, primarily Tatar, the use of gaming technology, Qr-codes, TED and other innovative technologies, development of expressive speech, speech competence of students in native language lessons and much more.


The International Student Scientific Conference “Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics” will take place on December 7-8.

The format of event is mixed: offline and online.

Registration period – September 15 up to November 25, 2023.

The main directions of the student conference:

  1. The Russian language in the era of language space globalization (theoretical and practical problems of Russian linguistics, the role of the Russian language in the global communicative space, methods of teaching Russian as a native, second and foreign language).
  2. Tatar and Turkic languages in the modern world (theoretical and practical problems of Tatar and Turkic linguistics, the role of Tatar and Turkic languages in the world communicative space, methods of teaching Tatar and Turkic languages).
  3. Romance-Germanic languages and teaching methods (linguistic and linguistic-methodological aspects of Germanic and Romance languages).
  4. Theoretical and comparative linguistics.
  5. Applied and experimental linguistics (computational linguistics, clinical and neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguography, linguistic examination, language testing, translation studies).
  6. Literature, art and language in a multicultural world (interaction of languages and cultures, language – culture – text, expressive means in language, literature and art, problems of literary and artistic education, etc.).

Participation in the student conference is possible in two forms: offline (at Kazan Federal University), as well as in an online format.

It is possible to participate in a student conference without a report.


The final stage of the International Festival “Milli Khazin (National Treasure)” will take place on December 11-13.


Registered conference participants can additionally take advanced training courses 72 hours long within the framework of the Summit and receive an appropriate certificate. Information about curriculum of advanced courses and their costs posted on the Summit website in the section “Advanced training” section (https://kils.kpfu.ru/ru/povyshenie-kvalifikatsii/).


At the end of the Summit, each registered participant will receive a certificate of participation in the Summit.